Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

Multi-needle sewing machines are used in industrial production for all kinds of processing. In the operation of the equipment, a chain stitch is used, in which the interweaving of threads is carried out on one side of the materials being stitched. The special design and wide functionality allow multi-needle sewing machines to find their application in the manufacture of clothing, decoration of textile products and in many other industries.

Models: BML-008-12064P-AWT-DS/W, BML-008-12064P, BML-1404D-PMD, BML-1406D-PMD, BML-1408D-PMD, BML-1412D-PMD, BML-1406D-PL, BML-1408D-PL, BML-1412D-PL, BML-1412P, BML-1508P, BML-4412P, BML-2000C-D, BML-2000C-DK, BML-1308-4W, BML-1408PL, BML-2000C, BML-008-04064PQ2-DS/S, BML-008-12064PQ2-DS/S and others .


All Baoyu products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant Baoyu: straight-stitch and rasp sewing machines, overlocks, multi-needle sewing machines, cutting knives, buttonhole and button machines, template sewing machines
  • Straight - line machines Baoyu
    Straight - line machines
    GT-280/281BML-202D3/560D-4, etc.
  • Overlocks Baoyu
    GT-900D-4/5 UTD/3VT, etc.
  • Rasp machines Baoyu
    Rasp machines
    GT-500D-01-CB, BML-500D-05-CB, etc.
  • Two- and three-needle machines Baoyu
    Two- and three-needle machines
    GT-875D/872D, BML-927D-PL, etc.
  • Multi - needle machines Baoyu
    Multi - needle machines
    BML-1412P/1508P/4412P, etc.
  • Special vehicles Baoyu
    Special vehicles
    BML-9820/1790/798E/781D, etc.
  • Template machines Baoyu
    Template machines
    BML-1310G/2210G/3020G, etc.
  • Sewing Machine tables Baoyu
    Sewing Machine tables
    GT-188/845, BML-0303D, etc.
  • Spare parts and accessories Baoyu
    Spare parts and accessories
    GT 188/281/0303D, etc.

About Baoyu

BAOYU SEWING MACHINE Company (China) was founded in 1999 and today is a world leader in the development and implementation of innovative sewing technologies. Every year, more than 300,000 units of modern industrial sewing equipment are assembled at the plant.

    The main priorities of BAOYU are quality, versatility and ease of interaction of the sewing operator with modern equipment.
  • confession

    The company has earned recognition all over the world and is considered one of the best Chinese brands. BAOYU products are exported to more than 80 countries.
  • quality

    BAOYU SEWING MACHINE industrial sewing machines are high-speed, multifunctional, intelligent and energy-saving.

Information Board Baoyu

Learn more about our products Baoyu.
  • Price list for BAOYU equipment supplier baoyu
    Price list for BAOYU equipment
  • Questionnaire for BAOYU products factory baoyu
    Questionnaire for BAOYU products


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